
Raven is a 13 year old with epilepsy and developmental delays. She lives with her mother, three siblings and her mother’s roommate and daughter. Raven needed her bedroom to be as safe as possible to prevent injury from falls associated with seizures.

Circle of Hope from Wrightsville United Methodist Church wanted to decorate Raven’s room. Marsha Ratliff and Lynn Manning were the lead designers on this project. Raven now has a safe bed with beautiful linens. All furnishings have rounded corners and storage was also provided to rid the room of possible dangers for Raven. A special seat for the commode was also placed in the bathroom to prevent falls. Raven shares a room with her two younger sisters. They too got a new bed and all the girls got beautiful new bedding and draperies along with various room decorations. As is usual on all projects all the siblings get newly painted rooms and bed linens and draperies.

This family needed new carpet terribly bad. Chrystal Carpet donated carpet for Raven’s room and helped the landlord provide new carpeting for the rest of the house. Needless to say the mom and all the girls are very excited with their new rooms.