About Us
Imagine the feeling and experience of a parent bringing home their child who has been hospitalized, suffering from a devastating illness or injury. The parents see the child’s relief to be home and wonder if things will ever be the same as before.
There is so very much for the parents and guardians to do, to worry about, so much to consider, what happens now? There are medications to administer and monitor, special meals to prepare, appointments to make and keep, other children to look after, bills to pay and work to do.

Welcome Home Angel is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that brings joy and comfort to these children and their families. We target children with chronic and physically debilitating illness or injury, ages 4 through 21, who live in the Wilmington region. We provide a makeover of the child’s bedroom creating a healthy and cheerful environment in which to live and recover.
It is amazing how renovating a sick child’s room can have a therapeutic effect on the child’s recovery. It allows them to take their minds away from their problems and dream happy dreams in their new fantasy healing space. If the child has special needs we address other areas of the house that also may need our attention.
Welcome Home Angel also does a minor makeover in the sibling’s rooms to remind them that they are loved and cared for too. This unfortunate situation affects the whole family – sometimes the siblings most of all.