Jabari is a five year old boy with severe Cerebral Palsy and Microcephaly, who lives with his grandmother, Jamie, and older brother, Ja’Ziya. Since 6 months old, Jabari lived in his grandmother’s room, because the home was not equipped to allow for mobility, safety, comfort, and ease of care. Jabari potentially had a room in the home, but it was gutted, all the way down to the subflooring. The walls were severely damaged, and the door was not wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair.
Welcome Home Angel, with the help of an amazing volunteer Team from Live Oak Bank, Carolina Commercial Floor Covering, and Brian Driscoll Construction, were able to completely change the family’s life. Here are a few photos of Jabari’s room, before renovation.
The Live Oak Bank team, led by Jo Richardson, created an incredible space for Jabari, equipped with sensory items that provide some joy and entertainment to this sweet boy who isn’t able to play like other kids. One of his favorite things is live gospel music, so we gave him simple mp3 player and speaker system with lights that he can see and hear. Jabari is also generally stuck indoors, so the team at Brian Driscoll Construction, in ONE DAY, constructed an indoor apparatus to hold a swing, in which Jabari can relax and spend time with his family. And finally, flooring was replaced in the living room, hallway, and in Jabari’s room, so that his grandmother and nurse can more easily move him throughout the home. Pictures below!
This reveal was so special, that our pals Chelsea Donovan and WECT News showed up to document their special moment!
See the whole web story of the entire day here.
And of course, big brother Ja’Ziya got a brand new room, as well! Here’s his room before…
Here’s his room now!
Ja’Ziya had the SWEETEST reaction to his room reveal. Check it out!
None of this work would have been possible without the hard work of the incredible volunteers who spent so much time making this home a joyful place for Jabari and his family.
Thanks to…
Jabari’s Team:
Jo Richardson
Ben Richardson
Tabitha Turner
Taylor King
Sabrina Benbassat
Nina Murray
Matt Richter
Aaron DiGregorio
Mark Moroz
Tricia Varno
Ja’Ziya’s Team:
Angie Taylor
Harrison Taylor
Leroy Taylor
Mindy Perry
Rachel Urban
Morgan Gibhardt
Ashley Fraasa
Audrey Pharr
Megan Pratt
Courtney Spencer
Brittany Fountain
And special thanks to Carolina Commercial Floor Covering for donating labor to install Jabari’s new flooring, and Brian Driscoll Construction for widening Jabari’s doorway and creating the perfect frame for Jabari’s swing!
This project would not have been possible without the generous support of The Eshelman Foundation.
What a very special project. You guys are amazing. Thank you for all you do at Welcome Home Angle