It took us a while to finish Eldon’s case. He has been in and out of the hospital so much, and his health is so fragile. But we managed to find a window to do his makeover, and you won’t believe how it turned out!
Eldon’s room, before…
Here are some before images of Eldon’s bedroom, in a small apartment in Leland that he shares with his mom and brother. Eldon’s bedroom is also where his mother, Patricia (pictured), sleeps – he is too ill to be left alone at night.
We made Eldon’s bedroom all about his favorite things – Star Wars and the Carolina Panthers
Check out Eldon’s room now!
From Eldon’s mom: “I feel like…is this real? These are the nicest rooms we’ve ever had. I still can’t believe it :)” Below is a picture of Eldon and Patricia after seeing his new room.

Our volunteer group didn’t stop there.
They renovated Eldon’s brother’s room, too! Check out the before and after:
AND they gave Patricia her own private oasis, for those spare moments she has to relax alone:
Wrightsville Methodist Women’s Circle completed this renovation in the span of just ONE DAY. This was ideal for Eldon, because more than a couple of hours out of the house sends his blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature through the roof. They had to work quickly, and they sure did!
We would like to thank the dedicated and generous ladies below for their hard work:

Marsha Ratliff, Ann Jenkins, Gale Smith, Jorja Henson, Linda Garvey, Lyn Manning, Nancy Noel May, Nancy Rock.