
Welcome Home Angel recently completed the bedroom makeover for Courtney Causey. Courtney is 13 years old and has an inoperable brain tumor for which she is taking chemotherapy. Courtney also has diabetes. Due to all the treatment for the tumor, she cannot attend school because of her compromised immune system. She loves to ride horses and is able to do that as long as she does not go into the barn. Courtney and her family are resilient, strong, and supportive of one another.

Courtney loves her “new” room, which interior designer Lyn Manning of First Impressions, helped her create. Lyn worked closely with the family in matching colors, identifying styles, and taking Courtney shopping for her bedroom accessories. Lyn also had Courtney’s closet made into a study area, complete with desk and chair. Carpet One donated wood flooring, as well as time and labor, for the room.

With the help of Wilmington’s professional community along with Courtney and her family, the project was a success. Lyn is finishing up with some touches to the bedroom of Olivia, Courtney’s younger sister.

Check out the article in the Wilmington Star News about Welcome Home Angel and Courtney’s makeover!